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Exhibition Update

Writer's picture: Emily Mae ErnstzenEmily Mae Ernstzen

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

Due to the ever growing issue of the Covid-19 pandemic, the final year exhibition has been cancelled/postponed until a safer date. Thus the final assessment has been changed.

Graphic Design & Illustration - Major Project Assessment Criteria

Project Positioning

  • Student positions the project appropriately in regards to the chosen topic, market and target audience.

  • Student demonstrates understanding of historical and contemporary contextual issues relating to their project area.

  • Students design appropriate content reflecting project position and objectives.

Design Research and Process

Student demonstrates:

  • a rigorous, iterative design process.

  • high quality primary and secondary research in the chosen area.

  • a suitable practice-based research methodology.

  • a thorough understanding of historical and contemporary design in the field.

  • an iterative approach to concept generation, developing and resolving design issues,

  • Prototyping and refinement of a high quality final design solution

Visual Communication

  • Student creates strong visual communication that utilises the student’s skills, knowledge, experience and design perspective.

  • Student shows understanding of the historical and contemporary contextual issues relating to their design area.

  • Student demonstrate understanding of key design principles related to typography, grid systems, composition, colour, form, etc.

  • Student demonstrate an experimental approach to creating and testing design assets including analogue and digital processes.

  • Students creates visual communication work that achieves ‘proof of concept’.

Manipulation of Software/Tools

  • Student uses appropriate digital design software to a high level.

  • Student incorporates alternative design tools, both analogue and digital as applicable (photography, print processes, audio, AV, etc.)

  • Student researches, prototypes and creates artwork that is technically proficient for relevant media output.

Presentation and Engagement

  • Student works consistently in a self-directed and reflective manner.

  • Student participates in-class and shows engagement with design critiques.

  • Demonstrates the synthesis of skills and knowledge from other modules.

  • Student communicates and presents work in a professional manner.

  • Student plans and creates an exhibition of their final year work.

Graphic Design & Illustration 5 - Blog Assessment Criteria


Digital process blog presented in design scheme of overall project. Media rich, linked to sources and project tools (ie pinterest) and including photographic record of all analogue work (concept drawing and ideation, production, exhibition).

- 1 weekly post reflecting on work completed during the week and identifying action points for the upcoming week. Due 5pm Fridays

- 2 other posts (minimum) on work in progress each week.

Blog Assessment Rubric: 40% Comprehensive overview of process, decision making and design rationale - Regular posts and documentation of stages of process. Evidence of a rigorous, iterative design process to prototyping and refinement of a high quality final design solution. 20% Reflective writing - quality of written word (Describe, Interpret, assess). References and citations. 20% Visual presentation of blog (and linked resources - e.g. Pinterest) including multimedia elements. Design in line with project aesthetic. 20% UX and technical proficiency (navigation, dated entries, hash-tags, ease of use). Organisation and structure of blog.

Due to these changes contingency plans need to be made and alternate design output suggestions may be considered. I had a concept to make a website which would facilitate women in finding information out about tattooing over scars, links to industry professionals and a feature which would allow the person to "try on" tattoos onto a mannequin perhaps. As my internet connection has been really poor recently I am not sure if that would be possible and the basis that I believe book design is potentially my stronger field than web design. A future blog post will contain more information on the project plans.

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©2020 by Emily Ernstzen Major Project.

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