Due to the current situation and the new assessment scheme, we have each been asked to compose a contingency plan for out major project. Keeping in mind the submissions are now all digital we have to think about how we can display our work best. For example for my book, have a series of mock-ups on how it would look if it were printed. The following is my contingency plan.
Graphic Design & Illustration 5
In this contingency plan you are asked to consider if and how your project outputs might change in line with a digital submission. Also, consider how best to showcase your work in a digital submission (digital artwork, photography, video, 3D modelling, walk through, etc)
Module title: Graphic Design & Illustration 5
Student Name: Emily Ernstzen
Project Title: Tattoos to Empower
Previously intended outputs:
A. Mannequins with vinyl typography as display
B. A book containing stories of breast cancer survivors and tattoo designs
C. A series of posters to accompany the book
Alternative outputs:
A. Digitally rendered mannequins with designs/typography
B. A series of mock-ups and a digital version of the book & posters
C. A website to accompany the book/ project.
Digital Submission (media considerations):
E.g. photography of artefact from various angles, video of physical object in use, etc.
Photography of book if printed
Digital renders of mannequins
Digital files of book and posters
Please also create a revised work plan specifically targeted towards digital submission. Incorporate alternative skills and tools required for creating and documenting work.
I will upload a revised work plan in a separate post.